Sunday, June 13, 2010

Another video

Since the video function on this website seems to be working again, let's try another one, from a month or so ago:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Must keep eating...

In the garden

Silas picking strawberries:

Fruits of our labor:

Margaret helps Silas work in his garden:

Silas poses with his first okra flower:

Baby loves Beach

It's too bad Margaret didn't have any fun at Bethany Beach.

Grandma get your suit on - we're going in!


Mom retrieves an ecstatic Margaret from the ocean:

If Margaret was our baby sea turtle, determined to return to the sea, Silas was our piping plover, racing the waves:

The family strikes a pose:

Pop-pop supervises a boardwalk stroll:

And Cousin Jack arrives to join in the fun: