Monday, October 11, 2010

Summer Grab Bag

We failed to get a regular series of posts up this summer. Looking back on our pictures from the season, it seems we had some fun. Here are a few snap-shots.

Silas and Harlow enjoy the buoy swing at Harlow's new house:

Dinner with cousins at Noni and Nono's:

At the beach in Watch Hill with Isabel and Penelope:

James and Silas consult on their way to the beach:

With Sophie at the pool in Baltimore:

Margaret peeks on the back porch:

Silas with his new bike, made especially for four-year-olds:

Playing with Pop-Pop at the beach house:

Lacrosse mania:

Honing carousel skills:

At Bethany Beach with cousin Jack:

Around the campfire with Hope and Mike:

Backyard books with Nono:

Monday, September 13, 2010

Treasure Hunt

Our most recent visit to Rhode Island was a dawn-to-dusk festival of cousins. I hope to post some highlight snapshots soon.

In the meantime, here is a series of videos taken the afternoon cousins Isabel, Penelope, James and Silas set out to decipher (with some gentle assistance) the trail of sphinx-like riddles of left behind by their mysterious benefactor.

part one:

part two:

part three:

part four:

part five:

part six:

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Things One and Two

Here are some snapshots of recent exploits of the dynamic duo.

Margaret has discovered it's hilarious to help wash Silas' hair:

Practicing for their future circus act:

We are borrowing a bike trailer from a friend. They love to ride around the neighborhood -- especially when we go over the speed bumps. Here they are post-ride:

First day of school

Silas, ready to head back to preschool this week:

Margaret would have happily gone with him. She found herself a 'lunch box' with an empty water bottle in it and stood ready by the door.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Another video

Since the video function on this website seems to be working again, let's try another one, from a month or so ago:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Must keep eating...

In the garden

Silas picking strawberries:

Fruits of our labor:

Margaret helps Silas work in his garden:

Silas poses with his first okra flower:

Baby loves Beach

It's too bad Margaret didn't have any fun at Bethany Beach.

Grandma get your suit on - we're going in!


Mom retrieves an ecstatic Margaret from the ocean:

If Margaret was our baby sea turtle, determined to return to the sea, Silas was our piping plover, racing the waves:

The family strikes a pose:

Pop-pop supervises a boardwalk stroll:

And Cousin Jack arrives to join in the fun:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Margaret and Silas have been making the most of the spring thaw:

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Crawlidon

Margaret (a baby dinosaur also known as a Crawlidon) is a busy baby these days. Too busy, in fact, to take naps during the day. Yay!

Why sleep when you can investigate household electronics, sort the spice rack, or -- best of all -- climb on the stairs?

These videos illustrate some of Margaret's current favorite activities: screaming (although she gets distracted by the camera), climbing on the stairs, and chasing after Silas:

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Snow Days

The snow is finally beginning to melt. Here are a few snapshots from our great winter adventure.

As Baltimore leads the nation in seasonal snow accumulation, Dad relives/fulfills childhood snow-igloo fantasies:

Silas and Dad enjoy a snow lunch inside:

When the sun reappears, Margaret and Mom enjoy the great outdoors:

I understand this is called "sled-doggin' it."

Silas and Mom prepare for the downhill portion of our winter games:

What they lacked in execution they made up for in degree of difficulty: